With possibly millions of people in the US looking skyward on August 21, 2017 at the total eclipse of the Sun, a number of satellites caught views of the Moon’s shadow as they performed their routine duties of observing the Earth. Here is a video I created using images returned from the GOES 13 (also designated “GOES-East”) weather satellite high above the Earth in geosynchronous orbit.
While GOES was observing the shadow of the Moon racing across the face of the Earth, here is my Earth-bound view of the eclipse from my home north of Boston through some thin clouds using just a simple monocular to project the image of the Sun onto a card.

View of the solar eclipse from my home north of Boston at about 18:45 GMT on August 21, 2017. (A.J. LePage)
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“New Tropical Cyclone Observations from ISS”, Drew Ex Machina, March 10, 2016 [Post]
“New Tropical Cyclone Videos from ISS”, Drew Ex Machina, March 13, 2015 [Post]