During the past few days, word has started to spread about the latest study that has resulted in the “disappearance” of a pair of planets that […]
I readily admit that one of my pet peeves going back almost 20 years to the discovery of the first extrasolar planets has been overblown claims […]
The original motivation behind NASA’s Kepler mission (and, indeed, the primary driver of the design of its hardware) was to detect Earth-size planets orbiting Sun-like stars […]
Earlier this week, the discovery of a pair of planets orbiting the nearby Kapteyn’s Star was announced [1, 2]. While such announcements go largely unnoticed nowadays […]
Six years ago the discovery of the fifth planet known to orbit 55 Cancri A (abbreviated 55 Cnc A and also known as ρ1 Cancri A) […]
The announcement of the discovery of an Earth-sized planet orbiting inside the habitable zone of the distant red dwarf star designated Kepler 186 has resulted in […]
In the just-published April 2014 issue of Sky & Telescope is an article detailing the results announced at the January American Astronomical Society meeting on some […]