Back in July 2014, the press was filled with stories about the apparent disappearance of two potentially habitable extrasolar planets thought to be orbiting the nearby […]
When I was a teenager, I was a voracious reader of the work of the famous science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov. But it was not his […]
The α Centauri system, which is currently the closest known star system to the Sun (and also known by the ancient name, Rigil Kentaurus), contains three […]
The past couple of years have been eventful ones for those with an interest in habitable extrasolar planets. The media has been filled with stories about […]
For half a decade, the world has witnessed an unprecedented stream of planetary discoveries from NASA’s Kepler mission which started its primary mission on May 13, […]
The New Year is certainly proving to be a very productive one for NASA’s Kepler mission. With the detailed analysis of the data from its primary […]
One of the objectives of NASA’s Kepler mission, as well as one of the important drivers of its design, was to detect Earth-size planets in Earth-like […]
The news this week has been filled with stories about Kepler reaching its milestone of 1,000 confirmed planetary discoveries with eight of those newfound planets advertised […]
NASA’s Kepler mission has now reached a new milestone with 1,000 confirmed planets to its credit. In addition, another 554 candidate planets requiring follow-up study have […]
One of the primary motivations of NASA’s Kepler mission was to find Earth-size planets in Earth-like orbits around Sun-like stars by observing the transits of these […]
With the end of 2014 upon us, I figured it was time to look back over this year’s material on Drew Ex Machina and see which […]
In an article published in Sky & Telescope back in December 1998, I made the prediction that the photometric detection of moons orbiting extrasolar planets was […]