A few years back I moved my home office/library into much more spacious accommodations in the finished basement of the house I owned at the time. […]
The goal of the ongoing CyMISS (tropical Cyclone intensity Measurements from the ISS) project is to acquire image sequences of intense tropical cyclones (TCs), such as […]
Even after all these years, I still remember May 25, 1973. I was eleven years old at the time and within weeks of finishing fifth grade. […]
During the six months following the launch of the Soviet Union’s second satellite, Sputnik 2 (see “Sputnik 2: The First Animal in Orbit”), public attention was […]
Science fiction stories in movies and television set on other worlds frequently present views of spectacular arrangements of moons, looming giant planets and multiple suns of […]
Space enthusiasts fondly remember the Saturn V rocket which sent nine Apollo crews to the Moon including a dozen astronauts who actually landed on the lunar […]
Before the discovery of the first exoplanets, astronomers thought they understood the architecture of planetary systems. Using our own solar system as a guide, it was […]
Without a doubt, NASA’s Kepler mission has been the most prolific discoverer of extrasolar planets to date. It has done this by looking for periodic dips […]
One of the more enduring images of the opening months of the Space Age was the failure of the Vanguard TV-3 launch attempt on December 6, […]